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Moving and Handling Awareness Course

Length: ½ day course

This course containing for following elements:

The Law and Moving and Handling
The Importance of Risk Assessments
Fitting the task to the worker
Policies and Procedures
The Anatomy of the Spine, Back Pain and Risk Factors in Care Work
The Principles of Safe Moving
Communication while team working
The benefits of mobility to residents/clients
Commonly used Moving and Handling equipment
Assisting people to move
Practical Demonstration of Hoist and other commonly used equipment
Falls and emergency handling
Controversial techniques

Course Outcomes: the learner will:

Have an understanding of the Law and its application to Moving and Handling People.
Demonstrate good knowledge of the Risk Factors associated with Moving and Handling People.
Understand the importance of good communication while working in a team.
Have an understanding of how mobility benefits the client.
Understanding the importance of monitoring and correct use of equipment and know what to do if a fault is suspected.
Be able to identify the risk of danger to the individual clients and respond accordingly.
Understand their role in the Health and safety of clients, colleagues and others who may be affected by their actions.

Who is the course for?

This course is suitable for Health and Social Care workers in a variety of settings.

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